Scott Pearson's passion for wildlife and exploring the vast wilderness came naturally at a very young age. He spent his formative years hunting and fishing in the mountains of Western Pennsylvania, a childhood filled with adventures of nature.
Following this lead, it seemed only natural that Scott chose a career in photography that has now spanned over 36 years. His illustrious photographic journey began as a marine life photographer. He has logged thousands of hours beneath the surface of the worlds oceans with the Cousteau Society. Since this extraordinary beginning, he has traversed the globe in search of the most elusive wildlife and breathtaking landscapes.
His passion for exploring the natural world and capturing wildlife is compelling, with intense enthusiasm that is childlike. This allows him to capture images that are beautiful, educational and artistic, while remaining true to their natural state.
Scott resides in the mountains of North Carolina with his wife Dawn and their Golden Retrievers Charleston, Jackson and Bear. He divides his time between wildlife photography, commercial projects and lecturing on his work and the environment. Last year he has started Nature Camp Photography Adventures with Scott giving one on one instruction to small groups in the field on how to capture inspirational photos of the natural world.
Scott's clients have included National Wildlife Magazine, International Wildlife Magazine, The Cousteau Society, National Geographic, The Discovery Channel, The Smithsonian, Harbor Branch Oceanographic, The Musee Oceanographique in Monaco and the BBC, to name a few.